9/// controlled demolition inside operation, per irrefutable scientific evidence. ae911truth.org, krunchd.com/911
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Where was federal marshal?!? A federal air marshal was not on Northwest Flight 253 when a passenger allegedly tried to detonate explosives hidden in his underwear. But the agency said the incident prompted it to put more air marshals aboard flights. Terror attacks of Sept 11, 2001, represented a turning point in the agency's history, when it grew from less than 50 officers to the several thousand currently employed as federal law enforcement officers in the TSA . 9/11 controlled demolition inside job
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The corporatists have chosen the TSA to be America's version of the German SS. In a few years and a few more false terror threats they'll be walking down aisles of face-foward, hands-folded-on-lap travelers on trains and buses. Waiting in line at the DMV? Only if your hands are behind your back, fingers locked. While you are busy submitting to the transportation police, the corporations will be busy docking your pay and raiding your tax dollars. That is, unless people say no. If someone shows up to your house with a gun and threatened search warrant, call the police and a lawyer to have to them cooperate and document it, then call the ACLU. Oh, and keep a voice recording (that they can see) and record it all too. 9/11 and Detroit 09 are inside jobs
2009 The Year of Prof Jones. 9/11 controlled demolition inside op. I think we can declare the year 2009 a Year of Prof Steven Jones, and his - together Prof Harrit and others - his mighty definitive 2009 Nanothermite WTC Evidence study, as for what 9/11 Truth is concerned. Single one most definitive most important act of the 9/11 Movement history. And yes, let's mention Ms Janette MacKinlay and her pivotal providential role! The history, the big history of the nation, is being written, right now, by big, awesome, fearless Patriots standing for the Truth, for their country, for our common principles and our common conscience. They never will be forgotten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Professor Jones! .... you blew us all away, apart, into pieces, into higher orbit, with your definitive study! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Possible desired effects and reasons behind Detroit bombing 12-25-09 inside operation: To introduce new, additional police state security measures and install new equipment to further harass air travelers. Further: 1. to remind people, to keep population in apprehension, or outright fear, of terror. 2. to get to Pres Obama, to express irritation with his policies, to be able to say - he is not "protecting Americans well enough" 3. some agencies inside political infighting. A palpable friction lately came out between Cia/Dir Panetta and National Intel Council/ Dir Blair 3. simple pretext for further conflict, as Sen Lieberman already called for preemptive strikes on Yemen 4. implied message that the next time, bomb might actually work 5. all of the above I do think that managers in CIA, FBI, DHS, TSA responsible for this inside operation - letting known radical banned in Britain board a plane with a defective bomb - should be reassigned immediately. Any such consequences never happened after 9/11, as far
I do think that managers in CIA, FBI, DHS, TSA responsible for this inside operation - letting known radical banned in Britain board a plane with a defective bomb - should be reassigned immediately. Any such consequences never happened after 9/11, as far as I know. Now to the desired effects and reasons behind this latest inside operation. As you say, they might be to introduce new, additional police state security measures and install new equipment to further harass air travelers. I think further reasons might also be 1. to remind people, to keep population in apprehension, or outright fear, of terror. 2. to get to Pres Obama, to express irritation with his policies, to be able to say - he is not "protecting Americans well enough" 3. some agencies inside political infighting. A palpable friction lately came out between Cia/Dir Panetta and National Intel Council/ Dir Blair 3. simple pretext for further conflict, as Sen Lieberman already called for preemptive strikes on Yemen 4. implied message that the n
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
What "CNN reports" is very much just another inside job, propaganda. .. I have not seen them report scientific facts and evidence about 9/11. Have you?? 2. al Qaeda, confused as any other American, will take credit for anything they like . Especially for anti-American terrorist attempts, because they resent occupations, aggressions, colonization of their Arab lands by US and the western Christians, started during never elected pr Bush. Let me explain - al Qaeda probably even to this day doesn't not know that they have been had, aided - that secret entities have their 9/11 not only allowed, but also made it happen real good. This per irrefutable scientific evidence by now, too. The big factor in stirring terrorist anger and actions is US remote UAV airplanes bombing and killing people on the ground in occupied countries, Afghanistan and also Pakistan. This foments terrorism well. Just as any occupations, wars. Detroit failed bomber was inside let it happen operation too - but a good one - nobody was kille
At least this inside op - let known terrorist board plane - was a good one - no fatalities. Cia, please do only good, no-kill inside operations, if you need pretexts to continue occupation wars - these wars are the real cause of terrorism. War is a state sponsored terrorism. 9/11 controlled demolition inside operation. http://krunchd.com/inside - http://twitter.com/WorldNewsRecord
Failed Detroit bombing 'let it happen' job is direct consequence of not revealing the truth about 9/11 - the same forces still plotting wars they need and profit from. The same utterly incompetent agencies on a path of confusion. 9/11 controlled demolition pretext for wars. What is the next one? Where was CIA in letting this person on board and entering USA? Let's stop world war before it starts.
bomber was banned from entering Britain, which only should have not allow him to enter US, or not without body search .. he was known to US authorities as radical anti West occupation person - people on this suspects list MUST be either not allowed to fly, or well searched. ..... this man was AIDED by somebody to board the plane !! see http://krunchd.com/inside if this is another 9/11 / anthrax inside job, at least good is that explosive was made not to explode, so nobody was hurt this time what is needed is to stop occupation wars of Arab countries, and stop remote airplanes uav bombings now http://worldnewsrecord.wordpress.com
Monday, December 28, 2009
Troubles? White House intervention for bickering leaders of U.S. intelligence. Mounting frictions between the nation's intelligence director Blair and the CIA director Panetta over issues including how the agency conducts covert operations. The White House memo maintains the CIA's status as the nation's lead spy service on covert missions, rejecting an attempt by Blair to assert more control. But the document also includes language detailing the agency's obligation to work closely with Blair on sensitive operations.. The two sides have sparred in recent months over the CIA's role in Afghanistan,.. so, it is not 9/11 controlled demolition related
Another inside job? Bomber was without passport but got on the plane. Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab #detroit #bomber onto plane without passport. Suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. ?The guy said, 'He's from Sudan and we do this all the time. man may have been trying to garner sympathy for Mutallab's lack of documents by portraying him as a Sudanese refugee. The ticket agent referred Mutallab and his companion to her manager down the hall,.... I saw the flames,? said Haskell, who sat about seven rows behind Mutallab. ?It started to spread pretty quickly. It went up the wall, all the way to ceiling.? http://friendfeed.com/lat/3c5546d1/is-this-another-inside-let-it-happen-how-was-man
125 Whales Die On New Zealand Beaches. Propaganda! It is a public knowledge that whales, dolphins beaching is caused by underwater huge blasts by US military submarines sonars - underwater radars. These massively loud underwater sounds shatter animals' inner ears, part of brains, cause bleeding, and animals are unable to navigate, even if they are pushed out to see. They die from their injuries. It is true that US military is tying to address the situation and prevent this painful killing of animals. It really is similar to standing a couple steps of distance from huge, deafening roar of rocket or a big jet. http://WorldNewsRecord.wordpress.com
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This statement of core values includes these basic principles: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.. 25% of children in USA are on foodstamps
Neuroscientists store information in isolated brain tissue; possible basis of short-term memory. First steps - artificial memory and artificial memories, artificial intelligence. "Like our own memories, the memories we created in isolated brain slices were stored in many different neurons or cells". Using isolated pieces of rodent brain tissue, it was discovered a way to recreate a type of working memory in vitro. Neuroscientists often classify human memory into three types: declarative memory, such as storing facts or remembering specific events; procedural memory, such as learning how to play the piano or shoot basketballs; and working memory, a type of short-term storage like remembering a phone number. With this particular study, Strowbridge and Larimer, were interested in identifying the specific circuits that could be responsible for working memory.
Ladder-walking locusts use vision to place limbs, proving that small brains can perform complex tasks, such as sophisticated motor control. Locusts have been model organism for studying limb control for the past 40 years, and were crucial to many breakthroughs in neuroscience. Insects are often inspiration for limb control in robotics.
My 9/11 comment to The Times of London article. Lets see if moderator will actually publish this comment: 9/11 is an inside covert operation, a controlled demolition, a pretext for war. Per irrefutable scientific evidence, and per common sense. Towers cannot pulverize and fall unto its own footprint with the speed of 11 floors per second. Masterpiece controlled demolition. .... 7/7/5 London bombing is an inside self inflicted operation also. No question about that. http://911UnitedWeInvestigate.blogspot.com - http://twitter.com/911news - http://ae911truth.org - http://worldnewsrecord.wordpress.com
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Is this is another inside "let it happen" ? How was this man not body searched upon boarding???Why was he allowed to fly? Syringe bomber was barred from Britain, was on terror list and even his father warned U.S. intelligence services about son's religious beliefs. 9/11 style fail? Something's wrong. Bomber had connections to Yemen, and this happened days after US drone tries to kill leading anti West cleric in Yemen. Would be bomber injected a syringe of chemicals into a pack of combustible powder strapped to his leg. Explosive PETN, penterythritol.
Northwest Flight Saved only by Failed Makeshift Detonator. More than enough explosive, 80 grams of PETN, related to nitroglycerin, was on board, sewn into attacker underwear. Replacing scanning devices and full body scan are needed, says security expert, as explosive was not detected by airport security.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
In San Francisco, hunger experienced by 25% children and 20% adults. This in a country that spends $ 1 trillion a year for military and wars, and where 20-40% people do not have adequate medical care, from which 40 000 a year are dying. Call your Congressperson and tell them you want a military waste budget cut in half, now.
US Medical tourism: '5-star' care at a discount. US medical cartel monopolies are forcing lower middle class Americans to travel abroad to get medical treatment. Imagine cartels would allow Indian, Mexican, Russian, Chinese, Korean good doctors, dentists, to compete, to practice in US, for up to 90% discount. That would be a free market, not medical corporate cartel communism... if you're in that awkward middle, where you have a little money saved, current private medical insurance cartels scheme will take it all ........ Once a cottage industry, medical tourism may be on the cusp of a big expansion as governments from India to Singapore are investing in state-of-the-art hospitals, vying for a global market. Deloitte Consulting estimated that 560,000 U.S. residents went abroad for care in 08. The firm thinks that number will rise to 1.6 million by 2012, with patients getting discounts of up to 90 % on procedures from liver transplants to hip resurfacing.
Most important stories of the decade, by San Francisco Chronicle. Economic meltdown, 9/11 controlled demolition, twice never lawfully elected president, successful Mars exploration mission, Iraq and Afghanistan occupation, Soviet Union disintegration, hurricane Karina meltdown, Google goes public, Obama elected for a change.
Deep crisis of immoral wild capitalism - children violent criminals! Failure of society values, of education. 7 Arrested So Far In Savage Attack On N.J. 8th Grader. And all is probably a misunderstanding. Unheard of cases of children becoming criminals happening again and again. Trash violent war tv, sickening violent videogames, peddled to children for monetary profits of capitalist corporations, are feeding current epidemic of all kinds of violent crime.
Ceausescu execution 'avoided mob lynching'. Deep crisis of capitalism in Romania - poverty, crime, corruption. If Ceausescu were alive today, would he have a chance if he ran for the presidency? I believe he would. People believe Ceausescu did many good things... that he gave the people houses, jobs, and good salaries. His mistake, they think, was that he didn't put food in the shops.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Unfinished business of Romania's revolution. Group of communists opposed to Ceausescu and seeking personal gain seized power, under the cover of the mass protests, having used army units to create bloody chaos around the country before presenting themselves as the "National Salvation Front".As Romania grapples with endemic corruption and an economic crisis, the successors to the communists remain hugely influential today "After the arrest of the Ceausescus, the state apparatus of repression continued to fight against the protesters. In the name of defending against 'terrorists' this [NSF] group seized all the major institutions. They portrayed themselves as Romania's saviours and people believed them.
To cause the damage pattern that occurred to the Murrah building, there would have to have been demolition charges at several supporting column bases, at locations not accessible from the street, to supplement the truck bomb damage. Indeed, a careful examination of photographs showing the collapsed column bases reveals a failure mode produced by demolition charges and not by a blast from the truck bomb. To understand what caused the damage to the Murrah Building, one needs to understand some basics about the use and nature of explosives.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
OK City bombing 4-19-95 is an inside job. So is London bombing 7/7/05 proven inside operation. What is next? The Murrah Federal Building was not destroyed by one sole truck bomb. The major factor in its destruction appears to have been detonation of explosives carefully placed at four critical junctures on supporting columns within the building. 9/11 controlled demolition
Chavez announces new discount 'socialist' stores - deploying social, people's capitalism, market for good, for service of people, not to exploit or overcharge by elite minority. New chain of government-run, cut-rate retail stores that will sell everything from food to cars to clothing from places such as China, Argentina and Bolivia. We'll show what a real market is all about, not those speculative, money-grubbing markets, but a market for the people," said Chavez
Grave failures of capitalism: 225,000 Haiti children work as slaves, mostly girls. Socialist Cuba, Venezuela do much better. Shame on Haiti, on US for supporting abusive, poverty Haiti capitalism. The practice is so common that almost half of 257 children interviewed in the sprawling Port-au-Prince shantytown of Cite Soleil were household slaves.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Stunning first pictures confirm presence of liquid lake on Saturn's moon Titan. The only body in our solar system beyond Earth known to have liquid on its surface. Detection of liquid ethane confirms a long-held idea that lakes and seas filled with methane and ethane exist on Titan. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091217200441.htm- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1237251/Titan-lake-Stunning-Nasa-image-confirms-surface-liquid-Saturns-largest-moon.html
Facebook Could Eliminate 75% of Its Servers by Changing Their Programming Code - Or at least that's the argument of one programmer, who writes that by switching from PHP to C++, Facebook could move from 30,000 servers down to just 7,500 servers, and trim 49,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions from its footprint. But as you can guess, this statement doesn't go without debate.http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/12/facebook-could-eliminate-75-of-its-servers-by-changing-their-code.php (via http://ff.im/dfcir)
Tiger Woods' first lover, Rachel Uchitel, is still having an affair with the golfer even as his legendary string of alleged affairs has grown well-past the double-digits mark. Woods and Uchitel "have been sleeping together the entire time since the scandal broke. . In an email to Uchitel, Woods allegedly wrote that "I finally found someone I connect with, someone I have never found like this
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cellphones radiation levels at http://kl.am/cell, http://ewg.org. There might be some danger of cancer, namely to children and heavy use. Advice - do not overuse, hold away from from head - speakerphone or bluetooth. It is like a car, we know it may cause injury, but we use it anyway. It saves lives too.
Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning that they can cause brain cancer, although there is no consensus among scientists that they do and industry leaders dispute the claim.. Many countries have issued warnings. Although research has not consistently demonstrated a link between cellular telephone use and cancer, scientists still caution that further surveillance is needed before conclusions can be drawn.. Levels of cellphones radiation at == http://kl.am/cell == more than 270 million people subscribed to cellular telephone service last year in the United States, an increase from 110 million in 2000... http://ewg.org
Acid Oceans: The consequence of greenhouse gases. Reducing carbon emissions might have unknown effects on global temperature oscillations, but would help prevent ocean acidification. We're having a change in water chemistry, so 20 years from now the system we're looking at could be affected dramatically but we're not really sure how. So we see a train wreck coming,... carbon absorption in the oceans is damaging key creatures' hard shells or skeletons.. Oceans absorb about 25 percent of the world's greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere from human activities each year,... That helps slow global warming in the atmosphere,... Ocean acidity could increase 150 percent just by mid-century
Monster weekend winter storm blanketed a swath of the East Coast. Record snow blanketed some areas. Washington DC airports - highest one-day December totals ever. The storm, known as a nor'easter, blanketed the mid-Atlantic region and the heavily populated Interstate 95 corridor. Airlines were scrambling to accommodate passengers affected by the cancellation of hundreds of flights
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The world is about to be hyperlinked. Soon, you may be able to find information about almost any physical object with the click of a smartphone. Google Goggles allows users to search the Web, not by typing or by speaking keywords, but by snapping an image with a cellphone and feeding it into Google?s search engine.
Massive failure - 6 Eurostar trains with 2000 passengers stopped running in English Channel. France to England travel disrupted for a 3rd day. The Chunnel is 50.5 kilometers (31.4 miles) long, 38 kilometers (23 miles) of which are underwater, two tunnels separated by a third and smaller service tunnel, so the train that remained stuck inside did not mean the entire tunnel was blocked
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
The London Array: Can offshore wind power Europe? The largest offshore wind farm in the world to go online by 2012, powering 750,000 homes in the London metro area. A potential to generate and sell massive amounts of clean electricity to continental Europe. The stretch of Scottish coastline used for the array dubbed ?the Saudi Arabia of renewable power,? The first stage of the project will build 630 megawatts of capacity (roughly 25 percent of London?s power needs) - http://www.thestandard.com/news/2009/12/14/london-array-can-offshore-wind-power-europe (via http://ff.im/cUIhR)
China loses thousands of historic sites - capitalism must be held accountable, managed, regulated, by democratically elected government - the one not bought up by capitalists themselves, lest grave damages, wars, destruction can occur. More than 30,000 items on 1982 list have vanished, in part due to China's aggressive development, survey finds China's aggressive development has swallowed up tens of thousands of historic sites in the last three decades, experts conducting a national survey have warned country's ancient tombs, temples, homes and other sites. Many have made way for roads and reservoirs, they discovered. damage caused over the last 20 years was worse than during the Cultural Revolution. Swaths of Beijing's historic courtyard homes have fallen to the wrecking ball in just the last decade. The old town in Dinghai, Zhejiang, has been almost completely destroyed. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/dec/14/china-historic-sites-survey (via http://ff.im/cUFJr)
Deep crisis of Spain Says capitalism - 19% unemployment. Collapse in housing market. Fewer than half of Spain?s 3.8 million unemployed are still receiving their contributions-based jobless pay, which lasts a maximum of two years. Another 1.2 million receive smaller subsidies, such as a 420 euro-a- month benefit introduced in August. Unemployment among people younger than 25, who account for 10 percent of the labor force, is more than 40 percent. Mortgages, consumer credit and other loans account for 77 percent of Spanish GDP, compared with 51 percent in the euro region and 55 percent in Germany. Spain was the fastest growing country in Europe.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Again, strange 'Norway spiral' visible 6:45-7:00,12-09-09 all over northern Norway was an out-of-control Russian ballistic missile, launched from nuclear submarine. The mysterious spectacle of a missile intended to evade missile defense systems coincided with Pres Obama visiting Norway to accept Nobel Peace Prize 2009. Perfect spiral shape of light traces suggests that failure occurred high above the atomsphere
Crazy occupation wars of aggression - Afghanistan: 30,000 troops, $30 billion a year. Over the past 8 years, roughly $1 trillion cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was essentially charged to the national credit card... And 9/11 is a controlled demolition pretext for wars, per irrefutable scientific evidence. Iraq, 2.5 million civilians dead.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Child hunger an increasing problem. Child hunger is a violation of human rights, just as adult hunger is. No civilized developed country would tolerate it. Number of youngsters living in homes without enough food soared in 2008 from 13 million to nearly 17 million. A nonsense $1 trillion a year military war budget.
Well endowed, polite, amazing, sensual, big appetite Tiger Woods: group encounters, $15 000 one acquaintance one night. Tiger to retire on his boat to flee the scandal? Woods 'had a pretty big appetite for women', 'He was rarely with just one girl,' 'He usually wanted more. He liked three-ways. He could go for days. 'He'd pay a flat rate for an evening, but an evening would usually be extended. The girls would talk about his stamina. 'He'd shower them with gifts, he was very polite and he was amazing in bed, very sensual and well endowed,' she added. 'He would request the college-cutie, girl-next-door look. Most of the girls understood it was a business relationship. London High Court prohibits British newspapers from publishing nude pictures of Woods.
Germany government role is key to thriving solar industry. World's top leader in solar energy precisely because it did not leave the task of harnessing the sun to solely the private sector - http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/europe/la-fg-climate-solar12-2009dec12,0,1292340.story?track=rss (via http://ff.im/cNI3B)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Nerve-cell transplants help brain-damaged rats fully recover lost ability to learn, critical confirmation. Brain cell grafts do stimulate release of growth factors for neurons, regenerate or reorganize part of the brain, and restore cognitive function, in a process called neural plasticity. Study focused on the hippocampus, considered to be the seat of learning and memory. Further study is needed, especially to understand the underlying repair mechanism and the apparent starring role of growth factor in brain health.
Toxic Chemical Diacetyl Still Finding Its Way Into Microwave Popcorn, in the form of substitute. Destroys lungs. Public health advocates told themselves that when Democrats took over the health and safety agencies, the Bush regulations-are-bad era would vaporize. One measure was going to be how quickly the Obama team addressed something as well-researched as diacetyl.
Republican Wall Street Is 'One Ponzi Scheme After Another'. Corruption Done by Goldman Sachs. Dot-com bubble, housing bubble, commodities - oil bubble. Private monopoly market corruption manipulation. Then you have republican gas prices at $4.50 a gallon. They know the government is going to bail them out, and they know they can do it, because they ARE the government - twice never elected republican war market corruption government of former pres Bush.
US Pharma cartel refuses to allow reimport of cheaper drugs from Canada ?!, shuts down healthcare debate in Congress. It's all about money for private healthcare pharma monopolies.. Free market is to screw up prices by cartels?? Be it medicines, be it oil. This republican private market corruption fraud has to stop. America is held hostage by it.
California agency delays 119,000 unemployment checks. More than 93,500 people statewide exhausted all available benefits between Sept.1 and Nov.1 09. and haven't received a check since then. ~ If unemployment goes down, its because people are dropped from the count, stopped being counted as human beings.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A tough healthcare battle is going on in US Congress. Revolution War got us rid of slavery, current struggle is against a medical slavery, medical fascism. Republican private healthcare scheme excludes people with medical needs, thus killing 40 000 Americans a year. For the sake of higher profits. Prices for health insurance go up 10 - 20% a year. Grand fraud, monopoly market corruption.
Life on Mars? Methane found. Cannot be from meteorites. Either there are microorganisms living in the Martian soil, or reactions between volcanic rock and water. Scientists analysing data from telescopic observations and unmanned space missions have discovered that methane on Mars is being constantly replenished by an unknown source and they are keen to uncover how the levels of methane are being topped up.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
ToolMeet.com - Socialize While You Navigate. Facebook users. Basically, it makes it possible to see who are visiting the same sites that you are visiting while you are surfing the WWW, and interact with them in order to discover other websites that could be related. ToolMeet also makes it possible for you to write comments on the wall of sites that you visit in order to take interaction one step further. - http://www.killerstartups.com/Social-Networking/toolmeet-com-socialize-while-you-navigate (via http://ff.im/cHltZ)
Czech Govt Allows 5 Cannabis Plants For Personal Use in decriminalization, turning this small possession in an infraction ala parking ticket. Also, Czechs are Europe?s biggest drinkers of beer and are continent?s leaders in smoking pot. Czechs consume 320 pints of the golden brew per person annually. Also 22% of Czechs between age 16 and 34 smoke cannabis at least once a year...Czech is the real, best beer in the world :] ... do not overdo, though ... sports, nature hiking, traveling, mushroom picking is also very popular in Czech rep, and better than to consume beer or marijuana ! ... Czechs, however, are behind the curve in understanding that 9/11 is a controlled demolition
We have Hitler?s skull, Russia?s security service insists. Russia destroyed remains of Hitler, Eva Braun, Josef Goebbels in 1970, archivist says Despite claims to the contrary by some American scientists, the chief archivist for Russia's security service insists the Russian government is in possession of part of Adolf Hitler's skull and jawbone. Vasily Khristoforov of Russia's Federal Security Service, formerly KGB - http://rawstory.com/2009/12/hitlers-skull-russia-insists/ (via http://ff.im/cG107)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
California bill would tighten rules on tattoos, piercing - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee
Tattoos to me are rather disgusting, inappropriate way to disfigure and ugly up yourself. tattoos come from a culture of crime, prisons, gangs. ... it is a wrong message to send.
Tattoos should be regulated -
1. NOBODY UNDER 21 should be able to get one
2. make tattoo getting more expensive
3. require a cool off period of, say, 3 days, to sign a paper of understanding how difficult it is to remove tattoo, of awareness that tattoos can be medically damaging threat to health.
4. do not allow them in schools, at least not overt tattoos ....
What happened here is if you take political freedoms of expression from people, freedoms of speech and press, they will resort to - tattooing themselves, drugging themselves. ....
Yes, tattoos are another version of self-medication, of drugging oneself in an attempt to understand the state of the world and country around us.
California bill would tighten rules on tattoos, piercing - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee
Tattoos should be regulated -
1. NOBODY UNDER 21 should be able to get one
2. make tattoo getting more expensive
3. require a cool off period of, say, 3 days, to sign a paper of understanding how difficult it is to remove tattoo, of awareness that tattoos can be medically damaging threat to health.
4. do not allow them in schools, at least not overt tattoos ....
What happened here is if you take political freedoms of expression from people, freedoms of speech and press, they will resort to - tattooing themselves, drugging themselves. ....
Yes, tattoos are another version of self-medication, of drugging oneself in an attempt to understand the state of the world and country around us.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Ancient Volcano's Devastating Effects Confirmed | LiveScience
Ancient Volcano's Devastating Effects Confirmed. The lack of genetic diversity among humans alive today suggests that humans came very close to extinction after massive volcanic eruption 73 000 years ago killed off much of central India's forests, released 800 cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere that blanketed the skies and blocked out sunlight for six years.
Global temperatures dropped by 16 degrees centigrade (28 degrees Fahrenheit) and life on Earth plunged deeper into an ice age that lasted around 1,800 years.
disaster may have forced the ancestors of modern humans to adopt new cooperative strategies for survival that eventually permitted them to replace Neanderthals and other archaic human species. some suspect another supervolcanic eruption will eventually take place.
Though not expected to occur anytime soon, a Yellowstone eruption could coat half the United States in a layer of ash up to 3 feet (1 meter) deep.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Soviet commander: U.S. faces similar Afghan fate - CNN.com
Afghanistan : you cannot impose democracy by using force.
Afghanistan has not been and never will be conquered, and will never surrender to anyone.' Afghans are a very freedom-loving and proud people.
More than 900 Americans and nearly 600 allied troops have died in the invasion conflict.
According to White House estimates, it costs about $1 million per year to send just one soldier to Afghanistan.
That figure includes the cost of the equipment the soldier would need, the fuel to transport the soldier to the theater and move him/her around during their deployment, and food, housing, combat pay, ammunition and other miscellaneous costs.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | Martian meteorite surrenders new secrets of possible life

Martian meteorite possibly brought life to Earth?
Compelling new data that chemical and fossil evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars was carried to Earth in a Martian meteorite is being elevated to a higher plane by the same NASA team which made the initial discovery 13 years ago.
Now, 13 years after the Martian meteorite Allen Hills ALH 84001 life story emerged, the science team finally feels vindicated.....
Their data shows the meteorite is no smoking gun but a full of evidence that supports the existence of life on the surface of Mars, or in subsurface water pools, early in the planet's history.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | AfterDowningStreet.org
Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society. Number of US citizens without healthcare grew to a record 46.3 million in 08.
Lack of health Insurance has caused 45,000 preventable U.S. citizen deaths in 08.
17,000 children have died due to lack of healthcare.
2,266 US Veterans have died in 2008 due to lack of insurance.
The 50 million now uninsured and the 45,000 preventable deaths per year statistics are expected to drastically rise over the next few years.
9/11 is controlled demolition.
Never before has the United States had so many citizens with so little means, little to no income and heavy debt. TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PUBLIC WEALTH HAS BEEN STOLEN!
We have just witnessed the greatest theft of wealth in history,
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Saudi gets 5 years, 1,000 lashes
Saudi Arabia religious totalitarian state. 5 years prison, 1000 lashes for a man publicly speaking about sex and prostitution.
Pre-marital sex is illegal, and unrelated men and women are not permitted to mingle.
~Looks they are a bit more conservative than USA. Speaking about promiscuous acts "is a violation of the sharia regulations on the one hand and against Saudi customs on the other."
Man arrested and charged with violating Saudi Arabia's crime of publicizing vice
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Juvenile behind anti-president criminal poll won’t face charges | Raw Story
Juvenile behind criminal anti-president poll won’t face charges. He feared for his healthcare, and so wanted to incite violence. ~my comment: so it wasn't some crazy right wing violent Republican pre-criminal. ... "cut his healthcare" ?? ..where and how did the kid come up with such an idiocy? heard it from Limbaugh ??? .... or from some republican activist? well I think family should be given hours of community service, plus some mandatory classes of civic education - no need to stay in reeducation camp. Child should be getting extra schooling too. Homeland Security should mobilize and start tracking anybody calling or contemplating violence against anybody. Start identifying them, shutting them off the net, and registering them as violence inciters. Lastly, I think people, especially kids, who like and play extremely violent and violent videogames, are more prone to be violent, to become criminals. Lets make these violent videogames much, much more expensive than they are now. The money from that woul
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Times Online
'America failed to conquer Middle East, and should leave Afghanistan. 'America is rotting away, and Obama will not save it.' 'We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Gore Vidal, who's grandfather bought Oklahoma into the USA. He regrets witching support from Hillary Clinton to Obama.. 'Coup'd etat in 2000, when Supreme Court gave election to Republicans. my comment: Is Mr. Vidal aware that 9/11 is a controlled demolition, inside job?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
http://NYCCAN.org MARCH FOR ANSWERS. 9/11 controlled demolition. 80,000 New Yorkers have signed the petition to put a call for a new 9/11 investigation on a city ballot. As with every other NYC ballot initiative, the City of New York is denying the will of its people to vote on the issues it considers most important. On Sept 9, 09, the City conceded NYC CAN did in fact submit enough valid signatures to put the referendum before the voters. Now NYC CAN is battling to prove the petition is legally valid. On Sept 28, 09, the referee will report on the petition’s legality, and a final determination will be made in the days that follow.
"on September 9 the City conceded NYC CAN did in fact submit enough valid signatures to put the referendum before the voters. Now NYC CAN is battling to prove the petition is legally valid. On September 28, the referee will report on the petition’s legality, and a final determination will be made in the days that follow."
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Germany boosts terrorism alert level. Afghan freedom fighters ready to use terror to end occupation of their country.
Afghan armed resistance: "If the September 27, 09 German elections vote into power parties that do not pledge to pull German troops from Afghanistan, there will be a "rude awakening." ..threat of terror attacks in Germany? ... Western campaign of violent occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan brought the awakening of terror threats.
"If the German people vote for peace, then the Mujahedeen will choose peace with Germany as well", latest message of a speaker said. ..... with the withdrawal of the last German soldier from Afghanistan, the last Mujahed will also leave Germany. Al Qaeda gives you their word."
Friday, September 18, 2009
Danish scientist Niels Harrit, nano-thermite explosive found in the 9/11 WTC dust . Masterpiece controlled demolition.
It is crystal clear that 3 towers of WTC were demolished. 9/11 is an inside job false flag operation.
Irrefutable scientific evidence. No doubt about that.
9/11 controlled demolition,
prof Harrit,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance | Health | Reuters
Medical fascism - killing poor people for profits of big insurance companies. Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance.
One person is killed every 12 minutes so that private insurance companies can make better profits.
WE are losing more Americans every day than drunk driving and homicides combined.
Roughly 46.3 million people in the United States lacked coverage in 2008, the U.S. Census Bureau reported last week, up from 45.7 million in 2007
One person is killed every 12 minutes so that private insurance companies can make better profits.
WE are losing more Americans every day than drunk driving and homicides combined.
Roughly 46.3 million people in the United States lacked coverage in 2008, the U.S. Census Bureau reported last week, up from 45.7 million in 2007
U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans
NO TO WAR ! Thank you, Mr. President Obama! No missile shield costly war preparations in Europe. Now Russia will not deploy it's missiles in Kaliningrad either. Stop the mad expensive wrong republican right wing war empire war games, war preparations, war colonial aggressions! PEACE! If it goes like this, Russia may not deploy missiles in Venezuela
What Stopped Missile Offense? The People of the Czech Republic :] Kdo zastavil radar? Lide Ceske Republiky.
What Stopped Missile Offense? The People of the Czech Republic. :] http://nezakladnam.cz/en/ - http://nenasili.cz/en/ - http://twitter.com/911news - http://911UnitedWeInvestigate.blogspot.com
Monday, September 14, 2009
List of cellphones radiation levels. There are risks of tumors, namely for heavy usage, and for children. Use speakerphone, do not talk overly long.
Of course, phones also save lives, and we still drive cars, even though we know they kill. Guns also kill.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs: Uranium, Mercury and Diabetes.
Adult obesity rates in Britain have quadrupled in 25 years. Forget Cancer, forget AIDS, Diabetes is fast becoming the king of all chronic disease which is decimating the human race. The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta declares that 33% of the babies born this year will be diabetic by the year 2050
The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta declares that 33% of the babies born this year will be diabetic by the year 2050. ......
connection between depleted uranium (DU) and diabetes ...........
Depleted (DU) uranium, used in wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, is highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a heavy metal and radiological as an alpha particle emitter, is very dangerous when taken internally
Friday, September 11, 2009
The whole world outside US and many of us inside US immediately assumed the 9/11 Inside Job was perpetrated by US capitalist war class.
To promote war and fascism and colonial wars of aggression so as to maximize profits of the ruling capitalist war class.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Russia and Poland trade insults on 70th anniversary of World War Two. Eastern Europe drawn apart? The history.
Russian media has aired a string of accusations against Poland, claiming that Warsaw intended to collaborate with Hitler in an invasion of the Soviet Union, and that Jozef Beck, Poland's foreign minister in 1939, was a German agent.
Moscow broadcasters have also claimed that there was a "German hand" in the 1940 Katyn massacre of thousands of Polish PoWs, an atrocity generally held to have been the exclusive work of Stalin's secret police.
On the morning, 4:45 am, of September 1, 1939, the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein ushered in WWII when it opened fire on the 180-strong Polish contingent stationed on Westerplatte
contentious Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, signed between Stalin and Hitler in August 1939. A pact of mutual non-aggression that lasted until 1941, it allowed Russia to invade and annexe Eastern Poland.
Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's president, also labelled attempts in the Baltic states, which were also invaded under the pact's terms, to equate Hitler with Stalin as a "cynical lie".
An open letter yesterday from Mr Putin, in which he appeared to strike a more conciliatory note.
"Our duty is to remove the burden of distrust and prejudice left from the past in Polish-Russian relations," wrote Mr Putin, who went on to describe the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact as "immoral", and also thanked Poland "from the bottom of my heart" for the 600,000 Poles who fought on the Eastern Front under Red Army command.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors, Says New Report By International EMF Collaborative. The public must be informed.
"Exposure to cellphone radiation is the largest human health experiment ever undertaken, without informed consent, and has some 4 billion participants enrolled.
Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors, Says New Report. Great underestimation of brain tumor risks.
- There is a risk of brain tumors from cellphone use;
- Telecom funded studies underestimate the risk of brain tumors, and;
- Children have larger risks than adults for brain tumors.
- Telecom funded studies underestimate the risk of brain tumors, and;
- Children have larger risks than adults for brain tumors.
This report, sent to government leaders and media today, details eleven design flaws of the 13-country, Telecom-funded Interphone study
The Interphone study, begun in 1999, was intended to determine the risks of brain tumors, but its full publication has been held up for years.
Components of this study published to date reveal what the authors call a 'systemic-skew', greatly underestimating brain tumor risk.
The cardinal design flaws include
--categorizing subjects who used portable phones (which emit the same microwave radiation as cellphones,) as 'unexposed';
--exclusion of many types of brain tumors;
--exclusion of people who had died, or were too ill to be interviewed, as a consequence of their brain tumor;
--and exclusion of children and young adults, who are more vulnerable.
Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors, Says New Report By International EMF Collaborativehttp://electroMagneticHealth.org
Saturday, August 29, 2009
“Interview with a Pentagon police officer who saw the plane flying away from the Pentagon immediately after the explosion”.
Conclusively, it was black inside military operation. CIT.
Reported altitude of the plane was far too high to have struck the light poles or Pentagon
team of professional pilots (Pilots for 9/11 Truth) analyzed the data obtained from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) via a Freedom of Information Act request in 2006, which was supposedly from the black box of American Airlines Flight 77, and found that the last reported altitude of the plane was far too high to have struck the light poles or the building. This meant that either the plane did not cause the observed physical damage, that the government had released fraudulent data, or both.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Nano-thermite took down the WTC. 9/11 Controlled Demolition.
"THERE IS no doubt THAT 3 TOWERS WERE demolished ON 9/11 WTC"
"a masterpiece of demolition" - 9/11 science verdict
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Plane that struck the second WTC was not a Boeing 767. 9/11 controlled demolition.
9/11 inside job, controlled demolition,
Monday, August 24, 2009
We need a contemporary insurrection to reclaim our democracy, our freedom and our country.
We must challenge corporations and take back what is rightfully ours.
The second American Revolution. Let’s declare our independence from corporate rule!
Decades of deregulation and laissez-faire capitalist ideology have allowed corporations to steer the world's political, economic, environmental and cultural agendas.
A corporation is not a person.
It’s an organizational structure that has no morality and feels no remorse.
Yet the modern corporation enjoys the same rights as you or I: free speech, the ability to own property, the right to lobby government officials and protection against self-incrimination
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The American government -- which we once called our government -- has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich.
They are the ones who decide our fate.
It is this group of powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called "economic royalists," who choose our elected officials -- indeed, our very form of government.
Both Democrats and Republicans dance to the tune of their corporate masters.
In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government
This was never more obvious than with the Wall Street bailout, whereby the very corporations that caused the collapse of our economy were rewarded with taxpayer dollars.
So arrogant, so smug were they that, without a moment's hesitation, they took our money -- yours and mine -- to pay their executives multimillion-dollar bonuses, something they continue doing to this very day.
They have no shame.
They don't care what you and I think about them.
Henry Kissinger refers to us as "useless eaters."
~let's vote third parties ... anybody but establishment ...
and 9/11 is a controlled demolition
-excellent article !! :]
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Russia sees U.S. space threat, builds new rocket. US will be able to hit any target in Russia from space by 2030, commander of Russia's air force said
Russian Pres Medvedev has said a ban on deploying weapons in space was a condition for further arms cuts as were mutual limitations on the creation of ground-based anti-missile systems.
Medvedev is trying to persuade Obama to give up plans for a ground-based anti-missile system with components deployed in Europe, a project viewed by Moscow as a direct threat.
Russia Air Force Commander Zelin said that by 2020 Russia would create its own new air and space defense.
Zelin said Moscow was now developing a fifth-generation, surface-to-air rocket, the S-500. "It is able to implement in full the tasks of air and space defense and is capable of engaging ballistic hypersonic targets flying at a speed of 5 km (3 miles) per second," Zelin said.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Bank Of America Workers Organize Against Closures As Execs Get Big Bonuses
Last year 08, while the bank crashed, CEO Ken Lewis made $6,019 an hour. Taxpayers are backing Bank of America with $199.2 billion .
According to a recent report by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Bank of America issued $3.33 billion in cash and stock bonuses to executives in 2008, despite receiving $45 billion in bailout funds.
Merrill Lynch, which merged with BofA in January, issued $3.6 billion in bonuses despite having losses of more than $27 billion
Friday, June 19, 2009
USS John McCain to Intercept North Korean Ship thought to be carrying Weapons

A war? Nuclear conflict? US warship to intercept N Korean Ship thought to carry weapons. N Korea threatened this will provoke an attack
Thursday, April 16, 2009
German state corporatism, the bane of right-thinking Anglo-Saxon capitalists, deserves much credit for the relative comfort of Germany.

Constructive Partnership
State subsidies, a plethora of regulations, are hallmarks of the German way, where industry and labor have been forced into a constructive partnership that each side often finds distasteful. It is the government’s strong role in regulating commerce that has saved the German auto industry from itself. Muted capitalism is alive and relatively well.
State subsidies, a plethora of regulations, are hallmarks of the German way, where industry and labor have been forced into a constructive partnership that each side often finds distasteful. It is the government’s strong role in regulating commerce that has saved the German auto industry from itself. Muted capitalism is alive and relatively well.
It is increasingly clear that German state corporatism, the bane of right-thinking Anglo-Saxon capitalists, deserves much credit for the relative comfort of Stuttgart’s citizens, as well as those throughout most of Germany. State corporatism is different from state planning. It eschews nationalization of industries or government-mandated five-year plans for them.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
New superpower nuclear war crisis? Russian bombers might be based in Cuba and Venezuela.
A new Cuban Turkish atomic war 1962 crisis? What would it take?
What do Russians want this time?
Usa/Nato out of Georgia, Ukraine? Certainly. Anti missile shield out of Easter Europe? Yes. Armies out of Kyrgyzstan? yes. Out of post soviet Asia? probably ..
But also, out of Afghanistan, Iraq ?? Remains to be seen. What about Baltics ...? The maximum scope would be if they wanted Nato out of Eastern Europe. .. We will get to know. Superpowers will work it out.
What do Russians want this time?
Usa/Nato out of Georgia, Ukraine? Certainly. Anti missile shield out of Easter Europe? Yes. Armies out of Kyrgyzstan? yes. Out of post soviet Asia? probably ..
But also, out of Afghanistan, Iraq ?? Remains to be seen. What about Baltics ...? The maximum scope would be if they wanted Nato out of Eastern Europe. .. We will get to know. Superpowers will work it out.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. Split between Catholics and Protestants, it was racked for decades by violence
Violence between Protestants who wanted to remain part of the UK and Catholics who wanted to join the Republic of Ireland, which is independent.
Operation Banner, the 37-year British military deployment in Northern Ireland, has ended. The operation lasted from 1969 to 2007.
Northern Ireland now has a power-sharing government and a prevailing peace that had been welcomed by all but radical splinter groups on both sides.
Violence spilled over into Britain, with the IRA bombing cities including London and Birmingham. For nearly 30 years, British soldiers patrolled Northern Ireland in armored vehicles and hunkered down in bases surrounded by concrete walls and barbed wire.
Three decades of violence largely faded since the 1998 Good Friday Accord.Operation Banner, the 37-year British military deployment in Northern Ireland, has ended. The operation lasted from 1969 to 2007.
Northern Ireland now has a power-sharing government and a prevailing peace that had been welcomed by all but radical splinter groups on both sides.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hillary Clinton in China. Trade, cooperation.
"It is essential that the United States and China have a positive, cooperative relationship," Clinton told a group of reporters.
New defining Sino-U.S. strategic goals: the world economic crisis, regional security and the environment
The United States and China are the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases.
China, the world's top holder of U.S. debt
China-U.S. trade volume rose by 10.5 percent in 2008 to $333.7 billion, Xinhua reported.
Chinese President Hu Jintao and U.S. President Barack Obama are scheduled to meet at the G20 meeting in London in April.
New defining Sino-U.S. strategic goals: the world economic crisis, regional security and the environment
The United States and China are the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases.
China, the world's top holder of U.S. debt
China-U.S. trade volume rose by 10.5 percent in 2008 to $333.7 billion, Xinhua reported.
Chinese President Hu Jintao and U.S. President Barack Obama are scheduled to meet at the G20 meeting in London in April.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
New strategic missiles treaty. Reduction to 1000 missiles, by 80%.
Sergei Ivanov, the Deputy Prime Minister, said that Russia was ready to sign a new strategic missile treaty with the United States after The Times disclosed that Mr Obama is to seek an 80 per cent reduction in stockpiles.
The landmark Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start) signed by the US and the Soviet Union in 1991 is due to expire in December 09.
It reduced stockpiles held by the two states from 10,000 to 5,000 but there has been little progress in negotiating a successor treaty.
The landmark Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start) signed by the US and the Soviet Union in 1991 is due to expire in December 09.
It reduced stockpiles held by the two states from 10,000 to 5,000 but there has been little progress in negotiating a successor treaty.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Gas crisis
Talks aimed at restarting gas shipments to Europe hung in the balance Friday 1-9-9, with Russia and Ukraine still at odds over the terms of deploying a European Union-led monitoring mission to track flows of Russian gas through Ukrainian pipelines.
"Our goal is to show who is to blame for stealing gas," President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia said. "Such thievery can't be left unaccountable."
Senior officials from the Czech Republic, which holds the rotating EU presidency, said late Friday 1-9-9 that Ukraine had agreed to the deployment of the EU monitoring mission on Ukrainian soil, including the Russian demand that Russian monitors be included.
An impasse developed when Russia insisted on the right to have its own experts on Ukrainian soil, which Kiev flatly refused.
Short-term measures including increasing production in Norway, the Netherlands, Britain, Romania and Poland as a way of compensating for the loss of Russian gas.
Both Gazprom and Naftogaz, the Ukrainian energy company, issued sharp statements Friday, blaming the other's intransigence for prolonging the crisis.
"So far, our negotiations have been fruitless," Oleh Dubyna, chief executive of Naftogaz, said in a statement. "The Russian delegation looks unprepared to continue the negotiating process."
Gazprom, in turn, issued a statement saying that "the latest step by Ukraine is aimed at escalating the crisis situation with transit of Russian gas to Europe."
EU officials said Topolanek was engaged in tireless diplomacy, along with Vaclav Bartuska, the Czech roving ambassador for energy issues, and Alexandr Vondra, the deputy prime minister, who have been in regular contact in the past few days with senior officials from both Gazprom and Naftogaz.
People close to the negotiations said Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, who grew up in East Germany during the Cold War, was playing a crucial role, using her close working relationship with Putin, with whom she regularly converses in fluent Russian, to try to overcome the impasse.
Merkel's close relationship with Topolanek is also helping the EU to develop a coordinated stance with Russia, EU officials said; Merkel worked as a scientist in Prague during the Communist era, and both she and Topolanek are economic liberals who are eager to put Europe's strained relations with Russia back on course.
Topolanek gained knowledge of the energy sector as a young mining engineer.
Putin blamed Ukraine's leaders for the shutoff and suggested they were unwilling to cut out a middleman company, RosUkrEnergo, owned by a business ally of the Ukrainian president, Viktor Yushchenko.
"Our goal is to show who is to blame for stealing gas," President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia said. "Such thievery can't be left unaccountable."
Senior officials from the Czech Republic, which holds the rotating EU presidency, said late Friday 1-9-9 that Ukraine had agreed to the deployment of the EU monitoring mission on Ukrainian soil, including the Russian demand that Russian monitors be included.
An impasse developed when Russia insisted on the right to have its own experts on Ukrainian soil, which Kiev flatly refused.
Short-term measures including increasing production in Norway, the Netherlands, Britain, Romania and Poland as a way of compensating for the loss of Russian gas.
Both Gazprom and Naftogaz, the Ukrainian energy company, issued sharp statements Friday, blaming the other's intransigence for prolonging the crisis.
"So far, our negotiations have been fruitless," Oleh Dubyna, chief executive of Naftogaz, said in a statement. "The Russian delegation looks unprepared to continue the negotiating process."
Gazprom, in turn, issued a statement saying that "the latest step by Ukraine is aimed at escalating the crisis situation with transit of Russian gas to Europe."
EU officials said Topolanek was engaged in tireless diplomacy, along with Vaclav Bartuska, the Czech roving ambassador for energy issues, and Alexandr Vondra, the deputy prime minister, who have been in regular contact in the past few days with senior officials from both Gazprom and Naftogaz.
People close to the negotiations said Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, who grew up in East Germany during the Cold War, was playing a crucial role, using her close working relationship with Putin, with whom she regularly converses in fluent Russian, to try to overcome the impasse.
Merkel's close relationship with Topolanek is also helping the EU to develop a coordinated stance with Russia, EU officials said; Merkel worked as a scientist in Prague during the Communist era, and both she and Topolanek are economic liberals who are eager to put Europe's strained relations with Russia back on course.
Topolanek gained knowledge of the energy sector as a young mining engineer.
Putin blamed Ukraine's leaders for the shutoff and suggested they were unwilling to cut out a middleman company, RosUkrEnergo, owned by a business ally of the Ukrainian president, Viktor Yushchenko.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Gas crisis escalation, incresing confrontation Russia - West
Gazprom, the Russian gas monopoly, halted nearly its entire export of natural gas to Europe on Tuesday in a sharp escalation of a dispute over prices with neighboring Ukraine that also underscored Russia's increasingly confrontational stance toward the West.
Ukraine has angered Russia by seeking membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as has Georgia, a country Russia fought a brief war against in August.
Oil and gas exports make up about 60 percent of the Russia budget. Oil prices, meanwhile, have fallen by about two-thirds since their peak last summer 08 of around $150.
Gazprom is seeking to raise the price Ukraine pays for gas from $179.50 last year to $450, and to collect what it says are fines for late payments on previous shipments.
Ukraine, in exchange, wants to raise tariffs for gas shipped across its territory.
I guess this is better than the open war.
Ukraine has angered Russia by seeking membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as has Georgia, a country Russia fought a brief war against in August.
Oil and gas exports make up about 60 percent of the Russia budget. Oil prices, meanwhile, have fallen by about two-thirds since their peak last summer 08 of around $150.
Gazprom is seeking to raise the price Ukraine pays for gas from $179.50 last year to $450, and to collect what it says are fines for late payments on previous shipments.
Ukraine, in exchange, wants to raise tariffs for gas shipped across its territory.
I guess this is better than the open war.
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