9/// controlled demolition inside operation, per irrefutable scientific evidence. ae911truth.org, krunchd.com/911
Monday, February 28, 2011
VDownloader.com : Download and convert YouTube videos for free
The two sides in Libya's crisis appeare entrenched, and the direction it takes depend on which can hold out longest opponents, including mutinous army nearly the entire eastern half of the co of the oil infrastructure and some citie West. Gadhafi is dug in in Tripoli and n ity forces and militiamen.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Russian military to purchase 600 planes, 100 ships, 1000 helicopters for $60 bill by 2020, that is $6 bill a year
Is West losing its oil colonies and friendly monarch corrupt autocrats? Occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, now USA stands to lose the whole oil region?
So the justice is possible after all. Ruling autocrat monarch give $36 bill to the people
The end of human civilization as we know it is about 35 years away. Singularity: Kurzweil on 2045, When Humans, Machines Merge - TIME
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Qaeda sets up "Islamic Emirate", Libya deputy FM says . Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing: Ex-minister
Saudi king back home, orders $37 bln in handouts - �World News - MSN News UK
www.ae911truth.org: 911 is controlled demolition inside operation, irrefutable scientific evidence.
The destruction was too symmetrical to have been unassisted by explosives
The destruction involved extremely high temperatures that produced molten iron or steel; this cannot be accounted for by office fires or jet fuel
WTC 7’ freefall collapse, acknowledged by NIST, required explosives
There is forensic evidence of unignited engineered energetic materials left over throughout the WTC dust
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
whales beaching: extra strong new us military sonars will shatter inner ear / brains of whales..
maybe also very loud noise waves created by earthquake will damage navigation system of whales and dolphins.
BBC News - In pictures: Earthquake rocks Christchurch

video : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/21/new-zealand-earthquake-20_n_826283.html
Monday, February 21, 2011
The 11 Hottest Products From The Mobile World Congress 2011 (PHOTOS)

EU, oil companies prepare Libya evacuations. Headlines.
Libyan tribe threatens to cut oil exports soon. 16 Arab countries now with anti poverty anti corruption protests.
“The sun is coming out of a quiet period, and our vulnerability has increased since the last solar maximum [around 2000].” Threat of a huge damaging sun magnetic storm.
Martin Truther: The Red Pill Guide to the Top 20 Secrets of our Times
False Flag Terrorism
- 77LondonBombings.blogspot.com/ - 7/7/2005
- OklahomaCityBombing.blogspot.com/ - 4/19/1995
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A regular uptake of the trace element lithium can considerably promote longevity.
Video: US Israeli’s are immune to 9/11 litigation in Patriot Act | www.pakalertpress.com
70,000 Descend On Madison For Largest Protests To Date
Pepper spray used, tension escalates during Seattle protest against police brutality.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Baghdad wants U.S. to pay $1 billion for damage to city. Occupation continues.
Bahrain's Shiite opposition has rejected any dialogue with the Gulf kingdom's Sunni royal family until "tanks are off the streets" and the army stops
Bahrain's Shiite opposition has rejected any dialogue with the Gulf kingdom's Sunni royal family until "tanks are off the streets" and the army stops
Friday, February 18, 2011
No-Pants Subway Ride Taiwan: Panty Riders Invade! (VIDEO)
a republican assault on unions. protests spread from Wisconsin to Ohio, possibly getting national.
Angry Kittens - rathergood.com - The Vines. Here is your hard rock, heavy pop.

EGO-Kits give downhill mountain bikes a boost

Socialist free market China Flexed its Muscles Using US Treasuries . Betrayal by exporting industries.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Rage against the monarchy: Bahrain locked down after 5 protesters killed - Yahoo! News
Earth dodges geomagnetic storm : widespread blackouts avoided

Madison schools, others closed amid call for demonstrations
- Walker says he won't negotiate with unions (833) Comments
- Madison School District warns parents of possible teacher sickout Wednesday (385) Comments
- Walker is acting not as governor, but as dictator
Walker is a Republican Governor of Wisconsin
'Day of Rage' Hits Wisconsin...
25,000 pack Capitol as lawmakers debate state unions...
Madison schools closed; 1,100 teachers call in 'sick'...
Obama: 'Assault'...
Obama-founded OFA spearheading effort to defeat...
Boehner: 'Suspend these tactics'...
GOP SEN: Senate Democrats got on a bus and left the state...
Gov. Walker calls on Dems to return, vote...
Protesters, supporters clash in Ohio over union bill...
from www.drudgereport.com
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Wind-powered car completes cross-continental journey. a kite car?. VW 1 litre, 235 mpg diesel electric hybrid

VW diesel electric hybrid, 1 seater though,
235 mpg
1 litre / 100 km

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
http://www.breakfornews.com/TheCIAInternetFakes.htm . Alex Jones a CIA fake?
Egypt Military Leaders Dissolve Parliament, Suspend Constitution
www.WashingtonsBlog.com, images from Egypt, and more.
The Orange Revolution Betrayed. Restoring civil societies - wise words.
How The Mubarak Family Made Its $70 Billions
For those who haven't, I urge you to read Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine to see how the Chicago School of Economics has propagated this policy throughout the world. How many more corrupt dictator dominoes will fall next?
Mubarak autocrat ruler clan amassed up to $70 billion.
cia man spy chief autocrat Suleiman in power in Egypt. widespread celebrations in the streets, soldiers dancing. censorship. end Egypt poverty by endi

Israel Peace Treaty Stays Put.. Military Commits To Power Transfer..Revolution Ripples Across World.. Algeria Rallies.. Obama Reacts.. Widespread Celebration And Censorship.. Mapping Tahrir Square..
NYT: Egypt's Path After Uprising Does Not Have To Follow Iran's..
Obama's Big Budget Cut Proposals Target The Poor

how have you voted, may i ask? ... i am registered peace and freedom, but yes i voted dem, out of fear ....
see we need runoff election system, multiple parties free elections, and if nobody gets over 50%, a second round between 2 top candidates
as somebody said, Obama is the best Republican president in a generation :]
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Wayne Rooney's Bicycle Kick Goal Is Greatest Of His Career (VIDEO) http://ow.ly/3Vryy Goal of a generation! Fantastic.

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Treason in America conference ... The biggest problem with 911 inside op I have is that this pretext for war was staged on American soil, and involved civilian casualties
The biggest problem with 911 inside op I have is that this pretext for war was staged on American soil, and involved civilian casualties. .....
www.TweetDeck.com/deckly - post tweets longer than 140 chars. Android, use www.tweetcaster.com - www.twitlonger.com

Friday, February 11, 2011
Could the U.S. government shut down the internet? - CNN.com
Layers Chrome App Puts a New Spin on Social Aggregation
The www.Layers.com Chrome app approach is a bit different. Content is displayed and is browsable via a bar at the bottom of the window. This bar offers previews of links, Facebook status messages, Twitter updates, RSS feed descriptions and linked content like YouTube links, TwitPics and more."
Website Review, Traffic Analysis, ranking report and popularity
visitor analysis:
WTC Nuclear Demolition? not really. Ground explosions were only part of controlled demolition inside job
Ground explosions were part of destruction, yes, but that was done by expertly set controlled demolition charges throughout the building. These are proven facts.
SO, Bin Ladin placing nuclear suitcases under the towers? NOT really. So, it is a wrong conclusion by Chalezov to say - demolition, nuclear, but no inside job.
And Larry might not know practically nothing. This type of top world secret operations, i would not expect NOBODY living to know anything meaningful.
It is the high tech true pro master intelligence security war strategy operation. ..Absolutely top unmatched quality and skill.
You know this signature?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
people who drank diet soda every day had a 61 % higher risk of vascular events.
Piti dietni koly zpusobi 61% narust rizika cevnich prihod. Prilis soli zpusobuje hypertenzi a velmi zvysi riziko ischemickych prihod - zablokovani pritoku krve do mozku.
World's first programmable nanoprocessor: Nanowire tiles can perform arithmetic and logical functions

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
PostPost.com , paper.li - your Facebook and Twitter newspapers
try also www.newsblur.com and www.feedly.com
Distribute, broadcast your blog! Send it to Twitter, Facebook, and more. dlvr.it !
For example, im posting this on my blog www.WorldNewsRecord.blogspot.com, and expect it to be posted on my www.facebook.com/petrbuben and www.twitter.com/worldnewsrecord.
I set it up like that!
Lets see if itl work.
You shouldnt post only to Facebook, after about 3 month, the posts disappear, become unsearchable!
Unless you are backing up your profile.
Great censorship.
Please post to your blog too.
Best is Google's www.blogger.com, or even www.wordpress.com.
Also www.posterous.com and www.tumblr.com.
Good luck blogging!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Hit piece on Prof Jones: http://bit.ly/dMaD8r. Finally a call for Watergate style 911 controlled demolition attacks investigation. Prof Jones, www.stj911.org. Prof Jones is not theorising, and its facts actually that speak for themselves. The indisputable fact is that 911 is a controlled demolition, therefore an inside operation. This per common sense, looking at the footage of 911 pulverization collapses, and also per irrefutable scientific evidence - the presence of high tech military explosives. This has nothing to do with faith or religion. Hit piece at http://www.conspiracytheory.com.au/sept-11-theorizing-professor-speaks-out-7/ www.ae911truth.org Www.krunchd.com/911 Www.w9t.org Www.911investigate.blogspot.com
Hit piece on Prof Jones: http://bit.ly/dMaD8r. Finally a call for Watergate style 911 controlled demolition attacks investigation.
Prof Jones, www.stj911.org.
Prof Jones is not theorising, and its facts actually that speak for themselves.
The indisputable fact is that 911 is a controlled demolition, therefore an inside operation.
This per common sense, looking at the footage of 911 pulverization collapses, and also per irrefutable scientific evidence - the presence of high tech military explosives.
This has nothing to do with faith or religion.
Hit piece at
WikiLeaks' Assange fights extradition to Sweden on ground he could face death penalty in USA for publishing secret government documents
Extradition case contained allegations of four sexual assaults by Assange against two women in Stockholm in August 2010.
One accusation by "Miss A" is that Assange "sexually molested her" by ignoring her request for him to use a condom when having sex with her.
Another relates to "Miss W," who says Assange had sex with her without a condom while she was asleep. Prosecutors say that amounts to the least severe of three categories of rape in Sweden, carrying a maximum of four years in jail.
Diplomatic cables which disclosed sensitive information such as that Saudi King Abdullah repeatedly urged the United States toattack Iran's nuclear program
Sunday, February 6, 2011
PressTV.ir - Mubarak's wealth could reach 70bn
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
World Population Emergency: soaring world rates obesity. Diets westernized. Maybe cheap undigestible sweets, chemicals?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb'
Jon Gold at the White House – January 31 2011 | 911 Truth News