Sunday, June 12, 2011

NATO dumping DU radiation on Libyan civilians. 8000+ bombing strikes already.

NATO launched nearly 3,200 attacks with depleted uranium bombs against civilians in Libya. Sovereign Libya funds of $70 billion. Who's gonna steal that wealth?

Depleted uranium, weapon of mass destruction, is a radioactive substance that causes serious injuries in the renal and digestive tract, cancer in the lungs and bones and neuro-degenerative or congenital malformation in human beings.

The explosion of a DU munition reaches ten thousand degrees centigrade and releases highly toxic dust and contaminants that can travel thousands of miles.

The dissipation of these particles may last for millions of years, so its effects on the environment and the inhabitants of the areas affected are perpetuated for generations.

The robbery of Libyan funds will have a particularly strong impact in Africa. On this continent, the Libyan Arab African Investment Company made investments in over 25 countries, including 22 in sub-Saharan Africa, planning to increase them over the next five years, particularly in mining, manufacturing, tourism and telecommunications.

NATO dumping radiation on Libyan civilians - English

Western Aggression on Libya, Libya sovereign fund of $150 billion and growing

The objective of the war on Libya is not just oil, whose reserves (estimated at 60 billion barrels) are the most important in Africa and whose extraction costs are among the lowest in the world.

Not so little also, natural gas, whose reserves are estimated at about 1.5 trillion cubic metres.

In the crosshairs of "volunteers" of operation "unified protector" are also the sovereign funds, the wealth, the Libyan capital that the state invested abroad.

Sovereign funds managed by the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) are estimated at 70 billion U.S. dollars, soaring to more than 150 when including foreign investment of the Central Bank and other bodies.

And they could be even more important. Although lower than that of Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, Libyan sovereign funds are characterized by their rapid growth.

The management of sovereign funds, in the hands of ministers and senior officials, however, created a new mechanism of power and corruption that probably escaped from Gaddafi's own control - as confirmed by the fact that in 2009 he proposed that the 30 billion dollars of oil dividends were to go "directly to the Libyan people." This has exacerbated the internal divisions within the Libyan government.

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