Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First practical 'artificial leaf', milestones in the drive for sustainable energy. The future of energy generation.

Advanced solar cell the size of a poker card that mimics the process, called photosynthesis, that green plants use to convert sunlight and water into energy.

Nature is powered by photosynthesis, and I think that the future world will be powered by photosynthesis as well in the form of this artificial leaf

A practical artificial leaf has been one of the Holy Grails of science for decades

The artificial leaf shows particular promise as an inexpensive source of electricity for homes. Our goal is to make each home its own power station,

Device is fashioned from silicon, electronics and catalysts, substances that accelerate chemical reactions that otherwise would not occur, or would run slowly.

Placed in a single gallon of water in a bright sunlight, the device could produce enough electricity to supply a house with electricity for a day,

It does so by splitting waterinto its two components, hydrogen and oxygen.

Debut of the first practical 'artificial leaf'


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